Update to CFP Arts and the City

Please find further pieces of information to the CFP Arts of the city.

CFP: Arts and the City

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre of the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, together with Károli Gáspár University, is organising a conference entitled Arts and the City. The conference will be held in Budapest, on 23-24 May, 2019.

The Call for Papers is available at https://artsandthecity2019.wordpress.com/ and https://artsandthecity.webnode.hu/


ANDREW GIBSON, Royal Holloway, University of London
BERNARDINE EVARISTO, writer, London (author of Lara, Soul Tourists and Blonde Roots, among other novels)
NOÉMI SZÉCSI, writer, Budapest (author of The Finno-Ugrian Vampire and Mandragora Street 7, among other novels)

Leuven University Press has expressed an interest in publishing selected papers, full chapters are expected to be submitted before 15 August, 2019.

For further details, see: https://fi.btk.mta.hu/hu/esemenyek/esemenyek/1214-cfp-the-arts-and-the-city

Ferenc Hörcher, Ágnes Györke and Borbála Jász