Panel discussion: The Future of the Humanities in a Disruptive World

The BTK Lendület Morals and Science Recearch Group cordially invites you to the panel discussion on

The Future of the Humanities in a Disruptive World
Debating Challenges and Opportunities


Karla Pollmann
Dean of the Faculty of Arts,
University of Bristol

Confirmed discussants:
Tim Crane
Tamás Demeter
István Kenesei
Gábor Kiss Farkas
Benedek Láng
Csaba Pléh
Iván Szelényi
Gábor Zemplén

The focal points of the discussion will be:
-The function of the Arts and Humanities in a Changing World: how to Innovate the Curriculum?
-What is "Progress" in the Arts and Humanities?
-Application and Commercialization in Higher Education - Opportunities and Limits
-How to Organize Successful Inter- and Multidisciplinarity in Challenge-led Research Clusters?

Date of the event: 4th of November, 2019, 10 AM
Venue of the event: Research Centre for the Humanities, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán st. 4., 7th Floor, Trapéz Room