Peter Andras Varga's paper

A recent paper by our colleague, Peter Andras Varga was published in the volume "»Alles Wesentliche lässt sich nicht schreiben« Leben und Denken Edith Steins im Spiegel ihres Gesamtwerks" (Herder Verlag, Germany, 2016). The paper, entitled "Edith Stein als Assistentin von Edmund Husserl: Versuch einer Bilanz im Spiegel von Husserls Verhältnis zu seinen Assistenten. Mit einem unveröffentlichten Brief Edmund Husserls über Edith Stein im Anhang," analyses Edith Stein's oft-discussed role in Edmund Husserl's philosophical oeuvre against the backdrop of Husserl's personal and intellectual relationships to his assistants (including Eugen Fink and Martin Heidegger). A hitherto unknown and unpublished letter by Husserl on Stein is published in the appendix of the paper.
The volume is published both in print and as an e-book (preview). The preprint version of the paper is available here. The author's research was supported by the Hungarian National Scientific Funds (OTKA) grant nr. PD105101.