tuboly profil 

"Prémium" Postdoctoral Fellow

Email: tuboly.adam at btk.mta.hu


List of publications


Research group
History and Philosophy of Science
Phone numbers
Room number
+36 1 224 6700/4166
Research area

The history of analytic philosophy, Rudolf Carnap and the philosophy of logical empirism, modality and possible worlds

Research project

"Otto Neurath in England: The Planned Reconstruction of Logical Empiricism"; Lendület "Morals és Science" Research Group


PTE BTK Department of Philosophy, Department of Sociology; PTE ETK

Selected publications from the last five years

Advocatus Diaboli - Quine és a modális logika. Budapest: L’Harmattan. Cogito könyvek 12. Megjelenés előtt, 2019.

Egység és tolerancia: A logikai empirizmus tudományos világfelfogása. Budapest: MTA BTK Filozófiai Intézet, 2018.

Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives. (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 336.). Dordrecht: Springer. Megjelenés előtt, 2019. Társszerkesztő: Jordi Cat.

„Philipp Frank’s Decline and the Crisis of Logical Empiricism.” Studies in East European Thought 69 (3): 257-276; 2017.

„The Early Formation of Modal Logic and Its Significance: A Historical Note on Quine, Carnap, and a Bit of Church.” History of Philosophy of Logic 39 (3): 289-304. (2018)

tozser janos 

research fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group


Phone numbers
Room number
+36 1 224 6700/4683
Research area

Philosophy of mind, metaphilosophy

Research project

Possible connections between analytic philosophy and phenomenology within the philosophy of mind (OTKA K109638, 2013. 09. 01. – 2018. 08. 31.).


Institute of Philosophy, Eötvös University Budapest

Selected publications from the last five years

1. Márton Miklós – Tőzsér János, „Physicalism and the Privacy of Conscious Experience”, Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics, 2016., Vol. 4., Nr. 1., 73-88.

2. Tőzsér János, „Filozófiai nézetkülönbség és a filozófiai problémák természete”, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 2014. 58. évf., 4., 60-75.

3. Márton Miklós – Tőzsér János, „Mental Fictionalism as an Undermotivated Theory”, The Monist: An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry 2013, Vol. 96, no. 4., 622-638.

4. Tőzsér János, „Hihetünk-e komolyan és őszintén filozófiai elméletekben?”, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 2013, 57. évf., 1. sz., 159-172.

5. Balogh Zsuzsa – Tőzsér János, „Much Ado about Nothing – The Discarded Representations Revisited”, in Zsuzsanna Kondor (eds.) Enacting Images: Representation Revisited, Herbert von Halem Verlag, Köln, 2013, 49-68.


Jász Borbála 

junior research fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

List of publications

Research group

History of Modern Philosophy

Phone numbers
Room number


+ 36 1 224 6700/4181
Research area

Connections between architecture-theory and philosophy in the interwar period, and the architecture-aesthetics after the WW2.

Research project

Archives of Hungarian Philosophy


Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Philosophy and History of Science

Selected publications from the last five years

Jász, Borbála: Hidden Modernism: Architecture Theory of the Socialist Realist Gap, Periodica Polytechnica Architecture 49:(1) (2018)

Jász, Borbála: Mental Map of the City: Elements of Visual Argumentation and Creativity in Modern City Planning, Creativity Studies (2018)

Jász, Borbála: The Triumph of Function over Form: The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Planning and Analysing Modern Architecture, Footprint 20:(1) pp. 37-51. (2017)

Jász Borbála: Modernizmus sátortetővel: Ligeti Pál művészetfilozófiája és építészetelmélete. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2017.

Jász, Borbála: The Developement of Pictograms: Scientific Visualisation of Otto Neurath's Picture Language and Its Actuality, Opus et Educatio: Munka és nevelés 3:(2) pp. 169–177. (2016)

Hevizi Otto 

scientific advisor

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group

Philosophy of Religion and Hermeneutics

Phone numbers
Room number
+36 1 224 6700/4157
Research area

History of philosophy (Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Lukács), aesthetics, ethics

Research project


Institute of Philosophy, University of Debrecen, professor

Selected publications from the last five years

A Liget, a Sétány, a Csarnok és a Kert: A filozófia színterei. Budapest: MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, Kalligram Kiadó, 2018, 272 p.

Fordított világok univerzuma, Jelenkor: Irodalmi és művészeti folyóirat 61:7-8 (2018), pp. 815-827.

Kant és a „szellem gyötrelme”. Rémálom-nyomozás két szakaszban. Híd, 2016, (3) pp. 63-83.

Próbakövek. Van-e aranyszabály ércnél maradandóbb? Kalligram Kiadó, 2016, 418 p.

Idő és szinkretizmus. Állandó tekintettel Nietzschére. Kalligram Kiadó, 2013, 595 p.


assistant research fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group


Philosophy of physics

Phone numbers
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/4169
Research area


philosophical foundations of relativity theory; probability in physics

Research project


A formal approach to the metaphysical foundations of physics (NKFIH K115593, 2015-2019)



Department of Logic, Eötvös University Budapest, philosophy of science

Selected publications from the last five years

On the Very Idea of Distant Correlations, Foundations of Physics 50 (2020), pp. 530–554.

M. Gömöri, L. E. Szabó: On the Persistence of the Electromagnetic Field, Journal for General Philosophy of Science 50 (2019), pp. 43–61.

Valószínűség, véletlen és a közösok-elv, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 62:2 (2018), pp. 63–82.

M. Gömöri, T. Placek: Small probability space formulation of Bell's theorem, In G. Hofer-Szabó and L. Wronski (eds.) Making it Formally Explicit: Probability, Causality and Indeterminism (European Studies in Philosophy of Science, 6), Springer, New York 2017, pp. 109–127.

M. Gömöri, B. Gyenis, G. Hofer-Szabó: How do macrostates come about?, In G. Hofer-Szabó and L. Wronski (eds.) Making it Formally Explicit: Probability, Causality and Indeterminism (European Studies in Philosophy of Science, 6), Springer, New York 2017, pp. 213–229.

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