Research projects
MTA BTK Lendület Morals and Science Research Group. Research group leader: Tamás Demeter |
Rethinking the foundations of probability, causality, and contextuality: applications in physics and beyondume on true religion. NKFIH-number: K 134 275 Principal Investigator: Gábor Szabó |
Hume on true religion. NKFIH-number: K 135 152 Principal Investigator: Péter Hartl |
The tradition of “sensus communis” in the Hungarian thought: Philosophy and the public realm; public philosophy, national philosophy, national characterology. NKFIH-number: K 135 638 Principal Investigator: Béla Mester |
From Phenomenal Facts to Philosophical Theories. NKFIH-number: K 132 911 Principal Investigator: Zsuzsanna Kondor |
The Edition of the Correspondence of József Eötvös II. NKFIH-number: K 131 564 (BTK TTI, Principal Investigator: András Cieger) Senior researcher from the Institute of Philosophy: Gábor Gángó |
The Metaphysical Foundations of Physics from a Formal Perspective. NKFIH-number: K 115 593 Principal Investigator: Gábor Szabó |
Project for the publication of the volume entitled Rafał Smoczyński – Béla Mester (eds.): Lords and Boors, Westernisers and ’Narodniks’. Chapters from Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History; within the framework of the programme of the Wacław Felczak Foundation, entitled Perpetual Oak. Project leader: Béla Mester |
Westernisers and "Narodniks". Dichotomous Identity-Generating Narratives in the 19th-20th-century Polish and Hungarian Intellectual History (2020-2022). Principal Investigator on the Hungarian side: Béla Mester |
The migration of ideas and the formation of national philosophical traditions: dialogues across the borders / Миграция идей и формирование национальных философских традиций: диалоги поверх границ 2020–2022 (No. 20-511-23002). A summary of the Research Plan in Hungarian available here. Principal Investigator on the Hungarian side: Béla Mester |
Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) concepts – Philosophical, Sociological and Historical Analyses Principal Investigator: Borbála Jász |
The Intellectual History of the City. Principal Investigator: Ferenc Hörcher |
The Historical Constitution of Hungary. Principal Investigator: Ferenc Hörcher (cooperating partner: University of London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies) |
Mohács 1526-2026 - Reconstruction and Memorance. HAS Research Centre for the Humanities - University of Pécs. Principal Investigator: Pál Fodor, Norbert Pap. Participants from the Institute of Philosophy: Gábor Kovács, Béla Mester |
The Edition of the Correspondence of József Eötvös. (2015-2019) OTKA-number: K 112 137 Principal Investigator: Gábor Gángó |
The role of intelligentsia in shaping collective identities of Poles and Hungarians in 19th and 20th centuries (2017-2019) Principal Investigator on the Hungarian side: Béla Mester |
Conception of Creative City within Central Europe. Historical Images and Empirical Indices (2016-2018) Principal Investigator on the Hungarian side: Gábor Kovács |
Narratives of the History of Hungarian Philosophy. (2012-2017) OTKA-number: K 104 643 Principal Investigator: Béla Mester |
Arts and Scholarship in the Service of the Nation-building in the Nineteenth-Century Hungary (2013-2017) Principal Investigators: Gábor Gyáni and Péter Dávidházi Participants from the Institute of Philosophy: Gábor Gángó, Ferenc Hörcher, Gábor Kovács, Béla Mester |
The Budapest-Krakow Research Group on Probability, Causality and Determinism (2014-2016) Researchers: Balázs Gyenis, Gábor Szabó |
The Impact of Noble Legacy in Shaping Citizenship in Central Europe (2014-2016) Researcher: Gábor Gángó |