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senior research fellow Email: kovacs.gabor at btk.mta.hu |
Research group
History of Hungarian Philosophy |
Phone numbers
Room number
+36 1 224 6700/4191
Researh area
political philosophy, green political thought, cultural criticism |
Research project
2012–2017 (OTKA K 104 643) Narratives of the History of Hungarian Philosophy (1792–1947), researcher 2013–2018 (OTKA K 108 670) Arts and Scholarship in the Service of the Nation-building in the Nineteenth-Century Hungary, researcher 2014–2016 The Impact of Noble Legacy in Shaping Citizenship in Central Europe, Polish-Hungarian bilateral program, researcher 2016-2018 Conception of Creative City within Central Europe. Historical Images and Empirical Indices, Lithuanian-Hungarian bilateral program, principal investigator 2017-2019 The role of intelligentsia in shaping collective identities of Poles and Hungarians in 19th and 20th centuries, Polish-Hungarian bilateral program, researcher 2018–2020 Mohács 1526-2026 Reconstruction and Historical Recollection, Interdisciplinary project of the Research Centre for the Humanities and the University of Pécs |
Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös University Budapest |
Selected publications from the last five years
Gábor Kovács: 'Why is Goodness a Destroying Force?' Morality and Politics in the Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt, In: Hörcher Ferenc, Mester Béla, Turgonyi Zoltán (szerk.) Is a Universal Morality Possible? Budapest: HAS Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Philosophy; L'Harmattan, 2015. pp. 143–150. Gábor Kovács: The rise of modernity: the relation of religion, capitalism and democracy in the European context, In: Juhant, Janez, Žalec, Bojan (szerk.) Which Religion, What Ideology?: The (religious) potentials for peace and violence, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2016. pp. 97–103. Gábor Kovács: ’It is possible to attain truth through a way paved by lies’ – the historical trajectory of communism from compassion and truth-seeking to the totalitarian terror, In: Petkovšek Robert, Žalec Bojan (szerk.) Truth and Compassion: Lessons from the Past and Premonitions of the Future, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2017. pp. 103–110. Gábor Kovács: From The Guilty City To The Ideas Of Alternative Urbanization And Alternative Modernity: Anti-Urbanism As A Border-Zone OF City-Philosophy And Cultural Criticism In The Interwar Hungarian Political Thought, SANTALKA: FILOSOFIJA KOMUNIKACIJA / COACTIVITY: PHILOSOPHY, COMMUNICATION 25: pp. 99–109. (2017) Kovács Gábor: Két part között mindörökké, Budapest: Liget Műhely Alapítvány, 2018, 318 old. |