Workshop: Urban Cultures in The Early Modern Habsburg Territories

The Institute of Philosophy, RCH, cordially invites you to its joint workshop with the National University of Public Service on

Urban Cultures in The Early Modern Habsburg Territories

Venue: National University of Public Service, Budapest, Ludovika square 2., main building, 1st floor, room Hunyadi
Date: 4 November 2019

Registration here.


10-11.15 Keynote lecture

Jaroslav Miller: A Dream World of Ideas and Crudeness of Reality: Early Modern City as an Utopia

Session I.: Town Descriptions

11.30-12.15 Ferenc Hörcher: Town descriptions and urban politics in Márton Szepsi Csombor's European Travel Journal

12.15-13.00 Katalin Simon: Urban Environment in Buda in the 18th Century

13-14.00 Lunch break

Session II.: Governing Urban Communities

14.00-14.45 István Németh: Cities, Self-government, State in the Early Modern Age. The Political Framework of Urban Life

14.45-15.30 Peter Benka: Early modern towns as language communities : The case of Upper Hungarian free royal boroughs

15.30-16.15 Adam Smrcz: Jansenism and Urban Politics in 18th-Century Hungary

16.15-16.45 Coffee break

Session III.: An Outlook on non-Habsburg territories

16.45-17.30 Krisztina Péter: Image, Print and Manuscript in Early Modern Cologne

17.30-18.15 Eszter Kovács: Montaigne as the Mayor of Bordeaux: Mapping a Political Network

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