Events of 2013

The following events have taken place at the Insitute of Philosophy in 2013:

19th March:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Béla Mester: Propylaeumok a magyar filozófia történetéhez (Propylaeums for the History of Hungarian Philosophy)

22nd March:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Roman Frigg (LSE): Reconsidering Reductionism in Statistical Mechanics

26th March:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Gábor Gyáni: A történész mint bíró - A történeti ítélkezésről (The Historian as a Judge - On Historical Judgement)

27th March:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Ryszard Legutko: Is There Such a Thing as European Democracy?

9th April:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Mária Ludassy: A participatív és a reprezentatív demokrácia újragondolva - Avagy a Constant-Rousseau vita 230 és 30 év után (Rethinking Participatory and Representative Democracy, or, the Constant-Rousseau Debate After 230 and 30 Years)

15th April:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Mark Sprevak (University of Edinburgh): Is the Extended Mind Hypothesis Nonsensical?

16th April:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Gábor Gángó: Leibniz és Kelet-Európa (Leibniz and Eastern Europe)

23rd April:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Gábor Boros: Szükséges-e újraírni a filozófia történetét? (Is it Necessary to Rewrite the History of Philosophy?)
(Debate with talks by Vera Békés, Gábor Gángó, Béla Mester and Dániel Schmal)

30th April:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Ferenc Hörcher: Esztétikai gondolkodás és gyakorlat az udvari kultúrában: Sir Philip Sidney példája (Aesthetical Thinking and Practice in Court Culture: The Example of Sir Philip Sidney)

6th May:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Roland Poellinger (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy): Possibility, Opportunity, Choice in a Deterministic World

7th May:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Walter Schweidler: The Slave in Ourselves - Neo-Aristotelianism and 20th Century German Practical Philosophy

14th May:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Rafal Smoczynski: The Ontological Function of Language for Studying Contemporary Societies. The Case of Contemporary Polish Gentry's Integration Practices

15th May:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Theodore Arabatzis (University of Athens): Philosophical History of Science

21st May:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Dániel Golden: Lakatos Imre és a tudományos felfedezés dialektikus logikája (Imre Lakatos and the Dialectical Logic of Scientific Discovery)

30th May:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte):
Toward a Historical Epistemology of Research

4th June:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Marek Hrubec: Participatory and Critical Conception of Moral and Political Philosophy

18th June:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Sorana Corneanu (University of Bucharest): Medicina Mentis and the Problem of Soul in the Late Renaissance

25th June:
Seminar Series of the Institute
János Laki: Relativizmus - Tudomány (Relativism - Science)

28th June:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Axel Gelfert (National University of Singapore): Kant on the Pathology of Testimony: Against Disrespecting Others as Knowers

3rd September:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
David Bloor (University of Edinburgh): The Definition of Relativism

17th September:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Gábor Szabó: Von Mises és a valószínűség frekvenciaelmélete (Von Mises and the Frequency Theory of Probability)

8th October:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Robert Grant (Glasgow University): Michael Oakeshott: Literary Culture and British Conservative Political Thought

14th October:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Hanoch Ben-Yami (CEU): Descartes on Representation

15th October:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Gábor Kecskeméti: Beszélgetés az új magyar irodalomtörténeti összefoglalásról (Conversation on the New Synthesis of the History of Hungarian Literature)

22nd October:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Ákos Sivadó: Sir William Petty és a társadalom matematizálásának kezdetei (Sir William Petty and the Beginnings of Mathematizing Society)

29th October:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Balázs Gyenis: Determinizmus és interpretáció (Determinism and Interpretation)

4th November:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Gereon Wolters (Universität Konstanz): European Philosophy in Times of Globalized Parochialism

6th November:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Ilkka Niiniluoto (University of Helsinki): How to Defend Scientific Realism?

7th November:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Gereon Wolters (Universität Konstanz): The Science of the Wolves, or, Why it Took the Holy Inquisition Seventy-Three Years to Ban Copernicanism

12th November:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Béla Bacsó: A műalkotás eredete és kérdésessége (The Origin and Questionability of Artworks)

26th November:
Seminar Series of the Research Group for the History and Philosophy of Science
Iulian Toader (University of Bucharest, CEU-IAS): Against Harmony: Infinite Idealizations and Optimal Causal Explanation

3rd December:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Tamás Pavlovits: Descartes és a végtelen elgondolhatósága (Descartes and the Concievability of the Infinite)

10th December:
Seminar Series of the Institute
Csaba Olay: Implicit és explicit nemzeti identitás (Implicit and Explicit National Identity)

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