The Director General Introduced the New Director of the Institute of Philosophy

Hörcher Ferenc FIOn 3 January, 2013. Prof. Pál Fodor, Director General of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences introduced to the members of the Institute of Philosophy the new director, Prof. Ferenc Hörcher. He won his position in an open competition, and it lasts for three years from 1 January, 2013. The appointment was decided - with the approval of Prof. József Pálinkás, president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - by Prof. Pál Fodor.  The new director met his predecessor, Prof. Boros János , and talked about the most burning issues of the institute. Ferenc Hörcher is a full university professor at the Institute of Philosophy of Pázmány Péter Catholic University,  and a former chair of the Department of Aesthetics. He will give up his leadership at the Faculty, but keeps on teaching one day a week at Piliscsaba. His professional university webpage is here, his academic homepage is  here, and his application material is available in Hungarian here.


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