The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Ágoston Guba

"Psychic Causation in Plotinos" (given in Hungarian)

Date and Venue of the lecture: 4th February 2014, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Balázs Mezei

"Christianity and Philosophy" (given in Hungarian)

Date and Venue of the lecture: 28st January 2014, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Carlos Eduardo Jordão Machado (Univ. Sao Paolo):

Der Aufbau von Siegfried Cracauers "Die Angestellten"

Date and Venue of the lecture: 21st January 2014, 2.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

Der Vortrag stellt eine Zusammenstellung von zwölf Essays dar, die in der Frankfurter Zeitung erschienen waren und danach sofort (1930) auch in Buchform herauskamen. In Berlin konnte Kracauer in die Welt der Angestellten eintauchen und sich dabei der unterschiedlichsten Quellen – von der soziologischen Literatur zum Thema bis hin zu Gewerkschafts- und Parteizeitungen – bedienen. Seine Analyse der Angestellten, sein Verständnis dieses neuen Typs Lohnarbeiter, d.h., dieser „neuen Mittelschicht“, sein Sein und sein (falsches) Bewusstsein ist Teil der Basis seiner eigenen Interpretation des Nazifaschismus, die Kracauer ab dem Beginn seines Paris-Exils (1933) entwickelt. Das Buch ist ein unerreichtes Beispiel dessen, was Benjamin die „Politisierung der Intelligenz“ nannte.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:


Prof. Dr. Walter Schweidler:

The Slave in Ourselves. Neo-Aristotelianism and 20th Century German Practical Philosophy


Date and Venue of the lecture: 7th May 2013, 16.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

The abstract of the talk can be found here.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:


FERENC HÖRCHER: Aesthetic Thought and Practice in Courtly Culture: The case of Sir Philip Sidney


Date and Venue of the lecture: 30 April 2013, 16.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.


The key question of the paper was brought up at the intersection of two parallel research projects. One of them, an OTKA-project, focused on late Renaissance, early modern aesthetic thought, the other, an NKA research, was to provide an overall picture of the aesthetic thought of the age of Enlightenment. Both of them led to the figure and oeuvre of Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586). The figure, cult and poetic work (The Defence of Poetry (1596)) of the English poet, courtier and soldier raises the following question: What does the concept of taste mean in this period, and how does it connect moral philosophy with politics and aesthetics?

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