

senior research fellow

Email: bekes.vera at

List of publications

Research group


History of Philosophy; Epistemology
Phone number
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/186
Research area


philosophy of science, philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy for children (PfC), comparative history of science
Research project




Eszterházy Károly College, ELTE Angelusz Róbert College
Selected publications from the last five years


„Minden tudomány a közvetlen tudás hiányából sarjadt”. A romantika tudáseszményéről – in – Gurka Dezső (tanulmánykötet szerk.): Tudósok a megismerés színterein – A romantikus
tudományok és a 18-19. századi tudóssztereotípiák. Budapest Gondolat kiadó, 2012. 39-48.o.

„Egyetemeszmék és tudományképek” –in: Loboczky János (szerk.): Az egyetem eszméje az európai filozófiai tradícióban – ACTA Academiae AGRIENSIS. Nova Series Tom XXXVIII. – Eger 2011. 56-64. o.

„Miért nem emlékeznek a filozófusok saját gyermekkoruk „nagy kérdéseire“?” – In: TÖBBLET – Az EMFT periodikája Kolozsvár 2010/2. 7-29.o.

"A Polányi család és a pszichoanalízis". In: Erős Ferenc - Lénárd Kata - Bókay Antal (szerk.): Typus Budapestiensis - Tanulmányok a pszichoanalízis budapesti iskolájának történetéről és hatásáról.
Thalassa Alapítvány, Budapest, 2008. 15-52.o.






senior research fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group



Phone numbers
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/4190
Research area



Changing conceptions of Knowledge, Learning Theory, Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Models of Probability and Inductive Logic

History of Modern Philosophy and Science

Mathematical logic, Foundations of mathematical physics  
Models of Problem Solving, Heuristics

Computer Supported Learning, Augmantation, Knowledge Transfer, Learning Networks, Visualization, HCI

Research project


02. 01, 2017 – 09. 30, 2017  HOW DID YOU SOLVE IT? The School of Mathematical Discovery and its History (National Cultural Fund of Hungary - A2014/N6285, 300.000 HUF; City Council Balatonfüred, 300.000 HUF)

2012-2016  Narratives of the History of Hungarian Philosophy (1792-1947) (OTKA 104643)

2013-2016  Beyond Representationalism (OTKA 109098)

2013-2014  LinkedUp Challenge (Linking Web Data for Education FP7 Support Action Project)

2012-2013  (Mobilkommunikáció és Multimédia-alapú TudásTranszfer, K+F, Új Széchényi Terv (EDOP 1.2.1, Kutatásvezető)

2003-2006  FILTER project of the European Comission (Contractor and co-ordinator: The Economic and Social Institute of the Free University Amsterdam, Country report)

2003-2004  Reception and Creativity - Open Hungarian Culture / Recepció és Kreativitás, Nyitott Magyar Kultúra Projekt (MTA Filozófiai Kutatóintézet/ Institute of Philosophy, HAS)

2001-2003  E-módszerTAN (T013 PR IV., Eduweb Távoktatási Rt. / E-methods Eduweb Plc.)

2001-2002  Az eEurope Plus Akció Terv megvalósításából adódó feladatok (APERTUS Alapítvány / Koncepció a hazai távoktatás fejlesztésére. (Tudományos tanácsadó.)  /
Tasks of the eEurope Plus Action Plan  (APERTUS Public Foundation, Science Advisor)    

2000-2001  Döntéstámogató, informatikai adatbázis és szakértői rendszerfejlesztés a felsőfokú jogi továbbképzésben. (A PPKE JÁK, Deák Ferenc Állam és Jogtudományi Intézet és BME Irányítástechnika és Informatika Tanszékével Széchényi Terv keretében elnyert kutatási pályázat. Kutatásvezető.) / Legal Databases and Decision Support Systems in Post Graduate Legal Education (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Deak Ferenc School of Postgr. Studies)

1999-2000  PPKE JÁK Távoktatási Programfejlesztés (a KHVM célirányzati kezelésű költségvetési finanszírozású informatikai pályázatának keretében a BME részvételével. Programfejlesztési Műhely Vezető.) / Program Development for Distance Education of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences



2018-  Milton Friedman University, Dept. of Methodology and Informatics, associate professor

2013-2017  King Sigismund University, associate professor (Head of Specialization Business Informatics, Business Intelligence)

Subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation, Decision Support and Expert Systems, Knowledge-based Technologies, Research Seminar

Selected publications from the last five years


Benedek, András G.: Embodied Conceptions of Mathematical Understanding in the Twentieth Century: the emergence of Zoltan P. Dienes’s principles and their origin. In: Körtesi, Péter (ed.) History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics Conference. Miskolc, Hungary, 2018.05.23-2018.05.26. Miskolc. MIME

Benedek, András G.: NETWORKED KNOWLEDGE ARCHITECTURES: Tools versus Standards of Learning Design. In: Veronika Stoffová, Zsakó László, Szlávi Péter (szerk.) New methods and technologies in education and practice: XXIX. DIDMATTECH 2016. (284 p.) pp. 257-264.

Benedek, András G.: MindTheGapp™ Between standards and practice of mobile learning experience design, International Journal on Advances in Education Research 2:(1) pp. 14-36. (2015). International Conference on Education, Social and Technological Sciences. Valencia, Spanyolország: 2014.03.13 -2014.03.15.

Benedek, András G.: Augmenting Conceptualization by Visual Knowledge Organization. In: András Benedek, Kristóf Nyíri (szerk.) Beyond Words: Pictures, Parables, Paradoxes. (260 p.) Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 2015. pp. 117-130.

Benedek, András G; Goodman, Christopher P.; Gyuri, Lajos: VISUAL SEMANTIC CONCEPTUALIZATION “Conceptipedia” a Collaboration Platform for “Wikinizers”. In: Fernando J Garrigos-Simon, Carlos Rueda-Armengot, Ignacio Gil-Pechuan, Sofia Estelles-Miguel (szerk.) Strategies for Teaching in the XXI Century. 250 p. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. pp. 13-27.

Fazekas 200x280 


research fellow

Email: fazekas.peter at

List of publications

Research group


History and Philosophy of Science


Phone number
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/166

Research area


Philosophy of science, Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of cognitive science
Research project



My research is primarily focused on the relations of conscious experiences and physical states. I am working on a theory that is able to account for the gap between our scientific explanations and the phenomenal character of our subjective conscious experiences, while remaining compatible with current empirically motivated theories in consciousness research.



I study the ontological and epistemological aspects of reduction. Accounting for the weaknesses of currently accepted models of reductive explanations, I am working on a project that is in accord with the practice of both physical and life sciences.



I am interested in both the metaphysical problem of "strong emergence" and  the problem of "weak emergence" in the philosophy of science. I attempt to show that strong emergence can be characterized coherently, without self-contradictions; I also work on the systematization of concepts of emergence in various fields of science, and their analysis based on the current discourse in the philosophy of science.



Introduction to philosophy, Philosophy of mind, Philosophy of science, Reduction and emergence

Selected publications from the last five years


Arkangyalok és démonok: A visszavezethetetlenség, mint nem-episztemikus kritérium

. In: Kertész Gergely, Paksi Dániel, Zemplén Gábor (szerk.): 

Emergens evolúció, Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2012, pp. 43-54.
Causation at Different Levels — Tracking the Commitments of Mechanistic Explanations. [with Gergely Kertész] Biology and Philosophy, 26, 365-383, 2011.







senior research fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group


History of Hungarian Philosophy

Phone number
Room number


+ 36 1 224 6700/4191
Research area


Early modern political philosophy, History of philosophy of "the long 19th century"

Research project


2012–2017  (OTKA K 104 643) Narratives of the History of Hungarian Philosophy (1792–1947), principal investigator; the whole budget of the project: 9.480.000,-Ft

2013–2018  (OTKA K 108 670) Arts and Scholarship in the Service of the Nation-building in the Nineteenth-Century Hungary, a member of the research group

2014–2016  The Impact of Noble Legacy in Shaping Citizenship in Central Europe, Polish-Hungarian bilateral program, a member of the research group

2016–2018  Conception of Creative City within Central Europe. Historical Images and Empirical Indices, Lithuanian-Hungarian bilateral program, a member of the research group

2017–2019  The role of intelligentsia in shaping collective identities of Poles and Hungarians in 19th and 20th centuries, Polish-Hungarian bilateral program, principal investigator on the Hungarian side; budget for 2018: 550.000,-Ft

2018–2020  Mohács 1526–2026 – Reconstruction and Historical Recollection, Research Centre for the Humanities of the HAS – University of Pécs; a member of the research group




Selected publications from the last five years


Mester, Béla 2018. The Role of Aesthetics in the Works of a Professor at a Calvinist College: A Case Study on József Rozgonyi (1756–1823). In: Balogh, Piroska; Fórizs, Gergely (eds.) Anthropologische Ästhetik in Mitteleuropa 1750–1850 – Anthropological Aesthetics in Central Europe 1750–1850. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 197–210.

Mester, Béla 2015. The Scriptures in Hungarian in Early Modernity. European Review, 23/3. 321–331.

Mester, Béla 2015. József Rozgonyi’s Critique of Kant. In: Waibel, L Violetta (ed.) Detours: Approaches to Immanuel Kant in Vienna, in Austria, and in Eastern Europe. Vienna: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 191–201.

Mester, Béla 2015. Hungarian Cartesians in the Mirror of the Historiographical Narratives. Hungarian Philosophical Review, 59/2. 125–139.

Mester, Béla 2014. Th. Hobbes’ visible rhetoric: A case study of history of political ideas. Creativity Studies, 7/2. 98–107.



research advisor


Email: neumer.katalin at



List of publications 1

List of publications 2 (mtmt)

Research group


History of Philosophy


Phone number
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/176


Research area


Philosophy of language, History of the philosophy of language

Research project


Narratives of the History of Hungarian Philosophy (1792-1947), senior researcher, principal investigator of "Contexts of Hungarian Philosophy"






Selected publications from the last five years


"Verführt auch die ungarische Sprache das Denken oder lassen sich auch die Ungarn therapieren? Überlegungen, ausgehend von den Problemen der ungarischen und der russischen Übersetzung der Philosophischen Untersuchungen". In: Ramharter, Esther/Kroß, Matthias (Hg.), Wittgenstein übersetzen. Berlin: Parerga Verlag 2012 (= Wittgensteiniana 9), 239-276.


"Die gemeinsame menschliche Handlungsweise´ in Wittgensteins Nachlass". Wittgenstein Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für Wittgenstein-Forschung. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Bd. 1, 2010, 71-120.


"Sind Tatsachen vom Sprachspiel konstituiert? Zu Wittgensteins Philosophie 1946-1951". In: Munz, Volker/Puhl, Klaus/Wang, Joseph (Hg.):  Language and World. Part One. Essays on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag 2010, 315-326. (= Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. New Series, vol. 14)

"Verdächtige Bilder und Töne. Wittgenstein 1946-1951". In: Alois Pichler/Herbert Hrachovec (eds.), Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of the Information. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag 2008, Bd. I, 61-80.

"Sklaven und Automaten. Wittgenstein zu Fragen der Seele in den Jahren 1946-1951". In: Wilhelm Lütterfelds (Hrsg.), Das Sprachspiel der Freiheit. (= Wittgenstein-Studien, Bd. 16) Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2008, 31-54.




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