szecsi gabor 


senior research fellow

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List of publications

Research group


Political and Moral Philosophy

Phone numbers
Room number


+ 36 1 224 6700/4180
Research area


Philosophy of language and communication, analytic philosophy, epistemology

Research project


Language, media, community. The concept of community in the information age (OTKA identification number: 108695)



Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs, member of Doctoral School in Philosophy

Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development, University of Pécs, professor

Selected publications from the last five years


Szécsi, Gábor: "Community and Morality in the Digital Age". Coactivity: Philosophy, Communication, 2017/1, pp. 18-25.

Szécsi, Gábor: Média és társadalom az információ korában. Kommunikációfilozófiai adalékok a mediatizáció fogalmához. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2016.

Szécsi, Gábor: "Mediated communication and mediated communities in the information age". The Journal of Community Information, 2016/1, pp. 157-167.

Szécsi, Gábor: "Knowledge, reality and manipulation: György Lukács on the social epistemological context of the neopositivist rejection of ontology". Studies in East European Thought, 2015/1-2, pp. 31-39.

Szécsi, Gábor: „Social and linguistic convergences in the information age”. Canadian Journal of Communication, 2013/4, pp. 639-648.



assistant research fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group


History of Modern Philosophy

Phone numbers
Room number


+ 36 1 224 6700/4186
Research area


Correspondence of József Eötvös, early modern platonism and stoicism

Research project





Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös University Budapest

Selected publications from the last five years



A természet géptelenítése – avagy kora modern atomista elméletek hatása a mechanisztikus és vitalista természetfilozófiákra, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 60:3, pp. 48-64. (2016)

The Problem of "Stoic Fate" - On Whether Herbert of Cherbury was a Lipsian, Kultura i Edukacja 4: Paper 12. (2016)

A fakultások vitája - avagy Edward Herbert of Cherbury az innátizmusról, Magyar Filozófiai Szemle 61:4, pp. 48-61. (2017)

When the Stoic Chameleon came accross the Cylinder – Stoicism and the Matter of Confessions, ELPIS (2018)

A hipotetikus szükségszerűség szerepe Francisco Suárez végzetfogalmában, ELPIS 18 (2018/1), pp. 19-30.

pongracz tibor 


research fellow

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group


Philosophy of Religion and Hermeneutics

Phone numbers
Room number


+ 36 1 224 6700/4157
Research area


hermeneutics, philosophy of Heidegger

Research project





Institute of Philosophy, University of Debrecen

Selected publications from the last five years


Konfigurációk. Egy hermeneutikai figura átalakulása Heideggernél. In: Viharnak kitett szavak által. Tanulmányok Bacsó Béla 60. születésnapjára. ELTE. 2012. 185-203.o.

Paideia, mérték, igazság. In: Hatalom és filozófia (Szerk. Schwndtner Tibor). L'Harmattan. 2016. 93-111.o.

"Az ember a lét tanúja". Az igazság tanúsítása Heideggernél. In: A tanúsítás bizonyosságai. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó. 2017



junior research fellow

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


List of publications

Research group


Philosophy of Religion and Hermeneutics

Phone numbers
Room number


+36 1 224 6700/4186
Research area


History of 19-20th century German and Hungarian philosophy; György Lukács

Research project






Selected publications from the last five years



hartl peter 


research fellow

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List of publications

Research group


History and Philosophy of Science

Phone number

Room number


+36 1 224 6700/4166
Research area


David Hume's epistemology and philosophy of religion, contemporary epistemology, theories of normativity and rationality

Research project


Morals and Science, MTA Lendület Programme




Selected publications from the last five years


The Value of Truth, Special Issue, (szerk. Luca Moretti, Peter Hartl, Akos Gyarmathy), Synthese (megjelenés alatt)

The taming of religion: Hume's sceptical theism and his criticism of vulgar religion in context, Disszertáció/PhD/Tudományos (2018)

Modal scepticism, Yablo-style conceivability, and analogical reasoning, Synthese 193:(1) pp. 269-291. (2016)

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