The Department of Sociology at the University of Pécs kindly invites you to the "International Arnold Hauser Colloquium in the Sociology of Art and Knowledge", organized by Tamás Demeter.

Date of the event: 6th June 2014.

The detailed program of the event is available here.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences cordially invites you to its international conference on

Is the Universal Morality Possible?
Moral philosophy and the challenges of the postmodern age

Venue: Budapest 1014 Táncsics Mihály st. 7. (MTA BTK Institute for Musicology, Bartók Room, Haydn Room)

Date: 8-9 May, 2014.

The detailed program of the conference can be found here and here.
Abstracts of the talks can be accessed here.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences is organizing a conference on the 8th and 9th of May 2014, entitled "Is a Universal Morality Possible?". We welcome proposals for talks from those interested in the topic broadly understood (from the fields of philosophy, religious studies, history, law etc.).

Please send your proposals by the 31st March, 2014 to the following address: fi.titkarsag at

All additional information can be found here.

The Doctoral School in Philosophy and the Doctoral School in Demography and Sociology at the University of Pécs invites applications for the International Summer School in Social and Historical Epistemology.  Date of the event: 30th June-8th July, 2014. Application deadline: 15th May 2014.

Further information is available here.

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