The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Dániel Golden

"The Open Science and its Enemies" (given in Hungarian)

Date and Venue of the lecture: 24th February 2015, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Gábor Gángó

"G. W. Leibniz's Candidacy to be Chancellor of Transsylvania" (given in Hungarian)

Date and Venue of the lecture: 3rd March 2015, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Nenad Miscevic

"The Semantics of Pejoratives"

Date and Venue of the lecture: 10th February 2015, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

A core theory of offensive communication should deal with semantics and pragmatics of offensive language and discourse, defining the notion of offense and offending, placing it within (a view of) pragmatics. This talk addresses the topic of pejoratives or slurs, and builds (a sketch of) a unitary semantic theory. It discusses issues of reference, neutral sense, evaluative aspects of pejoratives, their possible prescriptive nature, and the expressive component linked to them.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Sara Lagi: Georg Jellinek, a liberal political thinker between the Habsburg Empire and Germany (1885-1898)

Date and Venue of the lecture: 27st January 2015, 4.00 pm, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Tanácsterem" room.

The talk has been sponsored by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of History (Művészetek és tudomány a nemzetépítés szolgálatában a 19. századi Magyarországon OTKA-kutatócsoport (K 108670)).


Georg Jellinek is commonly known as one of the most prominent 19th century jurists. There is an extensive and excellent academic production stressing his fundamental contribution to German juspositivism and the influence German cultural context had on him and his works.
In this paper we want to re-consider this “image” of the German jurist: we will seek to show and prove that he was not only a jurist but also a political thinker with a clear and strong liberal profile. Moreover we will show how part of his liberal view was influenced by the period he spent in Vienna as a Professor of Law. In this sense, we will analyze how Jellinek responded to crucial questions on freedom, minorities and State power as a political thinker who lived between Austria and Germany.

The Institute of Philosophy of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences kindly invites you to the upcoming talk of its seminar series:

Dezső Csejtei

"Crises and parallels: is the Principate of Augustus the future of the EU?" (given in Hungarian)

Date and Venue of the lecture: 20th January 2015, 4.00 pm, Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 30. Országház Street, 2. floor, "Pepita" room.

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