A Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Kutatócsoport 2016. október 3-án szeretettel meghív minden érdeklődőt következő rendezvényeire:

12:00 - Prof. Michael Quante (University of Münster): "Hegel, Marx and Their Critique of the Market" (szeminárium)

14:00 - Prof. Michael Quante (University of Münster): "Physician Assisted Suicide: The German Debate" (előadás)

A programok helyszíne: 1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30., 224-es terem.

A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Filozófiai Intézetének Tudományfilozófia és tudománytörténet kutatócsoportja tisztelettel meghív minden kedves érdeklődőt

elnevezésű kétnapos nemzetközi konferenciájára.
A konferencia ideje: 2016. április 11-12.
A konferencia helyszíne: 1014, Budapest, Országház utca 30., MTA BTK, Pepita Terem.
2016. 04. 11.
14:00-15:00: Christian Damböck: Carnap, Reichenbach, Freyer. The social adaptiveness of ethics, in the context of Logical Empiricism and the German Youth Movement
15:00-16:00: André Carus: A Program for Social Science in the Spirit of Logical Empiricism
16:00-16:30: Coffee break
16:30-17:30: Ádám Tamás Tuboly: Philipp Frank and the Crisis of Logical Empiricism
17:30-18:30: Anne Siegetsleitner: Frank on Relativity in Ethics and Science
18:30-19:00 Coffee break
19:00-20:00: Friedrich Stadler: Philipp Frank and the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion - A Case Study on Relativism and Philosophy of Science in the Cold War Period (1940-1968)
2016. 04. 12.
10:00-11:00: Gábor Zemplén: Some Newtonian roots with some sociological offsprings
11:00-12:00: Markus Seidel: Political Philosophy and Sociology of Science: The Case of Neurath, Mannheim and Fleck
12:00-13:30: Lunch break
13:30-14:30: Hans-Joachim Dahms: Logical Empiricism and Modern Architecture. Biographical and systematical links
14:30-15:30: Iulian Toader: Improper Concepts and Scientific Knowledge
15:30-16:00: Coffee break
16:00-17:00: Elisabeth Nemeth: Kant’s conception of the human mind historicised and sociologised. An essay on Michael Friedman and Edgar Zilsel
17:00-18:00: Thomas Uebel: Neurath on 'Verstehen'
18:00-18:30: Coffee break
18:30-19:30: Martin Kusch: Wittgenstein as a commentator on the anthropology of colour

A Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Kutatócsoport szeretettel meghív minden érdeklődőt Dr. Andrew Huddleston (Birkbeck College, University of London) november 9-én, délután 16 órától tartandó, "Nietzsche on the Health of the Soul" című előadására.

Health (particularly of the soul [Seele]) is a central concept in Nietzsche’s work. Yet in the most philosophically-sophisticated secondary literature on Nietzsche, there has been fairly little sustained treatment of just what Nietzschean health consists in. In this paper, I aim to provide an account of some of the central marks of this psychic health: resilience, discipline, vitality, a certain positive condition of the will to power, a certain tendency toward integration, and so on. This exposition and discussion will be the main task of the paper. Then in the concluding section of the paper, I consider a line taken in some related secondary literature, which would suggest that health might ultimately be understood in formal or dynamic terms, relating to one’s will to power and/or the unity of one’s drives. I will present the beginnings of an argument against such an account of health. In focusing on the formal and dynamic side exclusively, it cannot get the full story. In particular, it seems to me to miss the normative dimension that is essential if we are to understand health properly. As I shall suggest, the core concept of Nietzschean health is not fully explicable except by reference to normative terms.

A Tudománytörténet és Tudományfilozófia Kutatócsoport szeretettel meghív minden érdeklődőt Prof. Karl Ulrich Meyer (Yale University / Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung) október 13-án, délután 16 órától tartandó, "From Weber's "Science as Vocation" (1917) to Horizon 2020" című előadására.

With articles 179 to 190 of the Treaty of Lisbon of 2010 the European Union received a general mandate in the area of scientific research and for the formation of a European Research Union. Its main current carrier is the 8th framework for funding research, better known as “Horizon 2020” providing more than 70 billion Euros of funds for a period of 7 years. Almost one hundred years ago Max Weber provided an analysis of how the organisation of science impinges upon the motives of researchers and how the latter are related to its quality. What are the purposes of the European programs and how do they concern the motives of the individual researchers and the quality of EU-funded research today? In my lecture I will contrast Max Weber`s sociological view of science with its modern “European” counterpart and - on that basis – raise some fundamental critical concerns. EU science suffers from an overload of goals, bureaucracy and policies , a consequent waste of resources and is lacking an adequate institutional structure. What we need are institutional designs for European research funding which allow for three things: first, clarity of purpose; second, protection from direct political influence; and third, an institutional commitment to the values of science

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